4/8/2015 Jump$tart Your Money Week Kick-Off EventState Financial Education Mandates: It's All in the Implementation You are invited to a luncheon hosted by the Oklahoma City Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, featuring Dr. Carly Urban, assistant professor of economics in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University. Monday, April 20, 2015 Dr. Urban will share the findings of her research study, published by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, which examines young adults in three states where personal finance mandates were implemented. The study compares the credit scores and delinquency rates of the young adults pre- and post-implementation of the education to those of students in control states without financial education. There is no cost to attend the luncheon, but registration is required. For more information email or call Annette Phillips at Annette.F.Phillips@kc.frb.org, or 405-270-8464. Angela Caddell Twitter.com/OKMoneyMatters |