Search Results: Adults
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- 61.
DollarbirdSubject: Financial PlanningAudiences: AdultsSource: DollarbirdAdd your income and expenses to the calendar.
Your balance will be calculated automatically. Multimedia
- 62.
Don´t Be A Victim Of Loan FraudSubject: Consumer Issues (Mortgage)Audiences: AdultsSource: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentInformation to help you protect yourself against loan fraud when purchasing or refinancing your home. Website
English, Spanish
- 63.
DoughMainSubject: Banking, Budgeting, Consumer Issues, Credit, Investing, Saving, Teaching Kids about MoneyAudiences: Students (Elementary, High School, Middle School), Adults (Parents)Source: DoughMainA website with games and tools that empower kids and their families to become better educated and more confident about money management and financial topics. Activity, Game, Website
- 64.
DOXOSubject: Banking, Budgeting, Financial PlanningAudiences: AdultsSource: DOXOSimple, secure way to pay your bills. Multimedia, Website
- 65.
Econ Lowdown: click. teach. engageSubject: Banking, EconomicsAudiences: Adults, EducatorsSource: Federal Reserve of St. LouisAward-winning classroom resources for consumers and K-16 educators to use to teach about money, banking, economics, personal finance and the Federal Reserve. Lesson Plan/Curricula, Multimedia, Publication
- 66.
eFinPLANSubject: Financial PlanningAudiences: AdultsSource: eFinPLANeFinPLAN gives you a comprehensive financial plan custom built to your unique financial situation, placing you in control of your financial forecast. Website
- 67.
Entertainment PlannerSubject: BudgetingAudiences: AdultsSource: Practical Money Skills for LifeAn interactive budgeting tool for planning dinner parties or events Tool (Calculator)
- 68.
Everyday Life - MoneySubject: Banking, Budgeting, TaxesAudiences: Adults, Students (College, High School)Source: Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.An interactive, situation-based series of lessons that allows user to experience real-life financial challenges without real-world consequences. Game, Multimedia
- 69.
EveryDollar BudgetSubject: BudgetingAudiences: AdultsSource: Ramsey SolutionsCreate a budget, manage money, and track spending on the go with the EveryDollar budget apps for iPhone and Android. EveryDollar syncs across devices, so whether you are budgeting from your desktop or phone, your budget is always up to date. Mobile Applications
- 70.
ExpensifySubject: Expenses and ReportsAudiences: AdultsSource: ExpensifyWith Expensify mobile, you can track expenses, snap pictures of receipts as well as create & submit expense reports - all on the go!
Multimedia, Website
Oklahoma Money Matters established this clearinghouse of financial literacy resources as a tool to help teachers, professors, educational administrators, practitioners and communities access information and instructional materials to support personal finance education for all ages. The clearinghouse contains publications, curricula and multimedia that address important money management topics such as saving for retirement, building a budget, balancing your checkbook and managing credit. We hope these resources help you make smart financial decisions and/or help you teach someone else how to manage their money successfully.