Search Results: Students: Middle School
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Mapping Your FutureSubject: Paying for College (College Planning, Financial Aid), Saving, Student Loan Management, BudgetingAudiences: Students (Middle School, High School, College), Adults (Parents, Adult Learners), Educators (Teachers, Counselors, Campus Personnel), Service ProvidersSource: Mapping Your FutureProvides free college, career, financial aid, and financial literacy services for students, families and schools Website
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Mind Your Own BudgetSubject: Student Loan Management, Credit, Saving, BudgetingAudiences: Students (High School, Middle School)Source: K20 Center - University of OklahomaGain real-world financial literacy in this fun strategy game. Game
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Money and Stuff ArcadeSubject: Banking, Budgeting, SavingAudiences: Students (High School, Middle School)Source: The Ohio Credit Union LeagueA hub for money-related online games. Game, Website
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Money as You GrowSubject: Teaching Kids about MoneyAudiences: Adults (Parents), Students (College, Elementary, High School, Middle School), Educators (Teachers)Source: The President´s Advisory Council on Financial CapabilityThis site was developed by the Presidents Advisory Council on Financial Capability. It provides 20 essential age-appropriate financial lessons, with corresponding activities, that kids need to know as they grow. Website
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Money Bags - A Coin Value Board GameSubject: Teaching Kids about Money (counting coins, identifying money)Audiences: Students (Elementary, Middle School)Source: Learning ResourcesLearning money skills is in the bag as you collect, count and exchange money all the way to the finish line. For 2-4 players Game
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Money Lessons for Student Pre K-12Subject: Teaching Kids about MoneyAudiences: Students (Elementary, High School, Middle School), Educators (Teachers)Source: Squidoo, LLCMore than 1000 money lessons to help students learn money management skills, the fundamentals of our economy, and building financial security. Lesson Plan/Curricula
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My Job Chart: Where Kids, Work, and Rewards ClickSubject: Banking, SavingAudiences: Students (Elementary, High School, Middle School), Adults (Parents)Source: My Job Chart Inc.A free, online chore chart and reward system for organizing and motivating your kids to learn how to save, share, and spend. Tool, Multimedia (App)
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My Money FiveSubject: Investing, Financial Planning, Saving, Credit, BudgetingAudiences: Adults, Educators, Students (College, Elementary, High School, Middle School)Source: Federal Financial Literacy and Education CommissionThe U.S. government´s website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education. Website
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OU K20 Center-Game CatalogSubject: Games/Interactive EngagementAudiences: Students (Middle School, High School, College), Adults, Educators, Online Students, College Graduates, Service ProvidersSource: OU K20 Center Game CatalogThe K20 Center for Educational and Community Renewal is a statewide education research and development center which promotes innovative learning through school-university-community collaboration. Game
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Pathway to Financial SuccessSubject: Credit, Saving, Consumer Issues (Insurance), InvestingAudiences: Students (Elementary, High School, Middle School), Educators (Teachers)Source: President´s Advisory Council on Financial Capability, Council for Economic EducationFinancial lessons plans, games and videos that align with the national standards, to help you teach your students about finances. Lesson Plan/Curricula, Game, Multimedia (Video)
Oklahoma Money Matters established this clearinghouse of financial literacy resources as a tool to help teachers, professors, educational administrators, practitioners and communities access information and instructional materials to support personal finance education for all ages. The clearinghouse contains publications, curricula and multimedia that address important money management topics such as saving for retirement, building a budget, balancing your checkbook and managing credit. We hope these resources help you make smart financial decisions and/or help you teach someone else how to manage their money successfully.