Search Results: Publication

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  • 11.
    When is my first payment due? Flyer (PDF)
    Subject: Student Loan Management (Repayment Options)
    Audiences: Students (College), Adults (Adult Learners)
    Source: Oklahoma College Assistance Program
    Provides direction and assistance to borrowers who withdraw from school
    Free Resource

  • 12.
    Where do I find my loan information? - Ready Set Repay
    Subject: Student Loan Management
    Audiences: Students (College)
    Source: Oklahoma College Assistance Program, Ready Set Repay
    Helps students locate their loan information using the National Student Loan Data System.
    Free Resource
    Publication (Flyer)

  • 13.
    Are You Looking for Money? Paying for College with Grants, Scholarships and Federal Loans (PDF)
    Subject: Student Loan Management (Responsible Borrowing, Repayment Options), Paying for College (Financial Aid, FAFSA)
    Audiences: Students (Middle School, High School, College), Adults (Parents, Adult Learners), Educators (Teachers, Professors, Campus Personnel, Counselors), Specialty Groups
    Source: Oklahoma College Assistance Program, UCanGo2
    Includes information and tips about paying for college with grants, scholarships, federal work-study and federal student loans.
    Free Resource

  • 14.
    Borrow Smart from the Start (PDF)
    Subject: Paying for College, Student Loan Management
    Audiences: Adults (Parents), Students (College, High School)
    Source: Oklahoma College Assistance Program, Ready Set Repay
    A guide to reaching student loan success on your higher education journey.
    Free Resource
    Publication (Brochure)

  • 15.
    Oklahoma´s Promise flyer (PDF)
    Subject: Paying for College (College Planning)
    Audiences: Students (Middle School, High School), Adults (Parents), Educators (Counselors)
    Source: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
    Highlights the Oklahoma´s Promise scholarship program providing free tuition for Oklahoma students who meet certain requirements
    Free Resource

  • 16.
    Do You Have an Extreme Plan for College? 11th-12th (PDF)
    Subject: Paying for College (College Planning)
    Audiences: Students (High School), Adults (Parents), Educators (Counselors)
    Source: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
    Contains information to help high school juniors and seniors prepare and plan for college including advice on college entrance exams, earning college credit during high school and a chart of basic career comparisons
    Free Resource
    Publication (Brochure)

  • 17.
    Building Native Communities: A Tribal Leader´s Guide to Launching an Earned Income Tax Credit OBREITCCBR Campaign (PDF)
    Subject: Taxes
    Audiences: Specialty Groups (Native American)
    Source: The Annie E. Casey Foundation
    The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance to Native American tribal leaders and community organizers who want to improve awareness about the Earned Income Tax Credit and expand affordable access to tax preparation services in Native communities
    Free Resource
    Publication (Workbook)

  • 18.
    Building Wealth: A Beginner´s Guide to Securing Your Financial Future
    Subject: Saving (Setting Goals), Credit (Credit Reporting, Credit Scoring), Investing, Budgeting
    Audiences: Students (High School, College), Adults, Educators (Teachers)
    Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
    Building Wealth is a personal finance education resource that presents an overview of personal wealth-building strategies for consumers, community leaders, teachers and students.
    Free Resource
    Publication (Workbook), Lesson Plan/Curricula, Multimedia (App, Download, Whiteboard)
    English, Spanish

  • 19.
    Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages (PDF)
    Subject: Consumer Issues (Mortgage)
    Audiences: Adults, Students (College)
    Source: Federal Reserve Bank
    This publication explains how adjustable rate mortgages [ARMs] work, and discusses some of the issues that borrowers might face.
    Free Resource

  • 20.
    Subject: Banking, Budgeting, Consumer Issues, Credit, Financial Planning, Saving
    Audiences: Adults
    Source: Lampo Licensing, LLC.
    Educational website about life and money, business and leadership, and consumer issues.
    Resource has Fee or Free
    Multimedia, Publication, Tool, Website


Oklahoma Money Matters established this clearinghouse of financial literacy resources as a tool to help teachers, professors, educational administrators, practitioners and communities access information and instructional materials to support personal finance education for all ages. The clearinghouse contains publications, curricula and multimedia that address important money management topics such as saving for retirement, building a budget, balancing your checkbook and managing credit. We hope these resources help you make smart financial decisions and/or help you teach someone else how to manage their money successfully.