Search Results: Publication

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  • 31.
    Identity Theft: What to know, what to do. (PDF)
    Subject: Identity Theft
    Audiences: Adults
    Source: Federal Trade Commission
    A brochure that educates consumers about preventing and recovering from identity theft
    Free Resource
    Publication (Brochure)

  • 32.
    Journal of Financial Planning
    Subject: Financial Planning
    Audiences: Adults, Educators, Service Providers
    Source: Financial Planning Association
    The Journal of Financial Planning, published monthly, is an award-winning technical journal that offers cutting-edge articles from prominent writers and financial planning experts on relevant and timely topics.
    Resource has a Fee

  • 33.
    Millionaire Babies or Bankrupt Brats?
    Subject: Teaching Kids about Money
    Audiences: Adults (Parents)
    Source: Love and Logic Institute, Inc.
    A Love and Logic book that aims to help parents teach kids about money.
    Resource has a Fee
    Publication (Book)

  • 34.
    My Money Handbook (PDF)
    Subject: Consumer Issues (Auto Loans), Credit, Identity Theft, Investing, Saving, Banking, Budgeting
    Audiences: Students (High School, College)
    Source: Invest Ed
    A money management booklet for students, with information and worksheets
    Free Resource
    Publication (Workbook)

  • 35.
    Practical Money Skills for Life: Free Personal Finance Materials
    Subject: Banking, Budgeting, Credit (Credit Cards, Credit Reporting, Credit Scoring), Identity Theft, Retirement Planning, Saving, Teaching Kids about Money
    Audiences: Students (College), Adults (Parents), Educators (Teachers)
    Source: Practical Money Skills for Life
    Free financial literacy materials for educators, parents and consumers. Includes classroom modules, games, DVDs and brochures.
    Free Resource
    Publication (Brochure), Game
    English, Spanish

  • 36.
    Putting Your Paycheck to Work
    Subject: Consumer Issues
    Audiences: Adults (Employees, Employers), Educators (Teachers)
    Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
    Information for employees to help them make the most of their paycheck. Employer resources are also offered.
    Free Resource
    Lesson Plan/Curricula, Publication, Tool
    English, Spanish

  • 37.
    Savings Fitness: A Guide to Your Money and Your Financial Future (PDF)
    Subject: Financial Planning, Retirement Planning, Saving
    Audiences: Adults (Employees)
    Source: U.S. Department of Labor
    This publication provides and easy-to-follow method for including retirement savings in your overall financial plan.
    Free Resource

  • 38.
    Taking the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning (PDF)
    Subject: Retirement Planning
    Audiences: Adults
    Source: U.S. Department of Labor
    An interactive guide to help you navigate retirement planning.
    Free Resource

  • 39.
    The African American Financial Experience (PDF)
    Subject: Consumer Issues
    Audiences: Service Providers
    Source: Prudential
    This study builds on the findings of the 2011 African American Financial Experience, which reflected on trends around reducing debt, accessing financial advice and achieving retirement security.
    Free Resource

  • 40.
    The Financial Fairy Tales
    Subject: Teaching Kids about Money
    Audiences: Students (Elementary, Middle School)
    Source: Daniel Britton,
    A series of childrenĀ“s books that make learning about money fun, while sharing the values, habits, tools and skills for financial success.
    Resource has a Fee
    Publication (Book)


Oklahoma Money Matters established this clearinghouse of financial literacy resources as a tool to help teachers, professors, educational administrators, practitioners and communities access information and instructional materials to support personal finance education for all ages. The clearinghouse contains publications, curricula and multimedia that address important money management topics such as saving for retirement, building a budget, balancing your checkbook and managing credit. We hope these resources help you make smart financial decisions and/or help you teach someone else how to manage their money successfully.