How well do you and your spouse talk through money issues? Cool, calm and collected? Kicking and screaming the whole way through? Or by avoidance? Check out this quiz to see how well you communicate when it comes to cash.
Count the number of “As”, “Bs”, and “Cs” selected and fill in the blanks below.
If you answered mostly A: You and your partner have a high degree of healthy communication about money. You are generally content with your level of financial communication. Keep up the good work by continuing to share the good news as well as the bad in an open, honest and direct way.
If you answered mostly B: Money is definitely a source of conflict between you and your sweetie. Be sure you’re not creating problems by anticipating them. Present information to your partner in a non-confrontational, factual manner. Try to make allowances for your partner's concerns and hot buttons. If you can't seem to make any headway, contact a third-party, such as a financial planner or a credit counselor, to help you build healthy money habits and resolve any long-standing sources of tension.
If you answered mostly C: You and your partner have a high degree of dysfunctional financial communication. You either argue constantly about money or are silent on important matters, which often simply communicates that one or both of you is tired of discussing it. Maintaining a joint financial life requires that you work together to achieve your goals. Ask a caring outsider to help you improve your communication skills with your partner and to mediate issues where communication has completely broken down.
Source: Excerpted from
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