OKMM Resources

Explore what OKMM has to offer and contact us if we can be of service.



YMM Guide - High School

Your Money Matters Guide - High School Students (download PDF)
Highlights budgeting, saving, college planning, banking and consumer credit

YMM Guide — College

Your Money Matters Guide - College Students (download PDF)
Highlights budgeting, saving, student loan management, banking and consumer credit



YMM Guide, Workplace Education

Your Money Matters Guide - Workplace Education, Adults (download PDF)
Helps adults learn to manage their finances and build wealth

El guía de cuestiones de dinero - Educación en el lugar de trabajo para adultos

El guía de cuestiones de dinero - Educación en el lugar de trabajo para adultos (bajar PDF)
Ayuda a los adultos a aprender a administrar sus finanzas y creación de riquezas


YMM Guide - High School

Borrow Smart from the Start (download PDF)
Highlights important steps to take and tips to consider to help students borrow smart from the start

YMM Guide - High School

Pida Préstamos Estudiantiles De Manera Inteligente Desde El Principio (bajar PDF)
Destaca los pasos importantes que se deben tomar y los consejos que se deben tener en cuenta
para ayudar a los estudiantes a tomar prestado de manera inteligente desde el principio




Low-Resource Adults Guide

YMM Guide — College



Low-Resource Adults Flyers

Simplify Saving

Predatory Lending Getting an Education Identity Theft
YMM Guide — College YMM Guide — College YMM Guide — College YMM Guide — College

Credit Scores

Budgeting Teaching Children about Money
YMM Guide — College YMM Guide — College YMM Guide — College

El guía de cuestiones de dinero - Adultos con recursos bajos

El guía de cuestiones de dinero - Adultos con recursos bajos (bajar PDF)
Destaca formas prácticas para los adultos para administrar su dinero, incluso si
han llegado a un punto de crisis


YMM Guide - High School

Oklahoma Money Matters Flyer (download PDF)
Outlines OKMM's mission, goals and services

::Lesson Plans::

Download PDFs of the lesson plans by clicking on the lesson plan title.

Middle School SMART Goals Lesson Plan

SMART Goals Worksheet

Your Money Matters Guides:

::Personal Budgeting Tool::

Create a customized budget that fits your spending priorities by using our free online personal budgeting tool.

::Resource Clearinghouse::

Locate hundreds of resources through our online clearinghouse. Locate resources based on keyword, audience, resource language, type of resource and source.

::Learning Modules::

Learn how to make your money matter in every stage of life! From buying a car or house to getting married and having kids – our modules walk you through these big decisions and give you the tools you need to make informed financial decisions.

Our current selection of online modules explores:

Each module includes learning objectives, tools, a quiz and a completion certificate.

::Ask OKMM Q&A Forum::

Have a burning question about money management? Our Ask OKMM Q&A Forum is for you! View the question and answer archive or submit your own.

View our Ask OKMM archive page            Submit an Ask OKMM question

::Money Talks Podcasts::

Our podcasts, developed for college students, cover:

Push play on our podcasts today. 


::OKMM Videos::

Our growing collection of videos cover a variety of topics, applicable to students, parents and consumers. View all of our videos on our Videos page.


Download our OKMM branded envelopes to use for your Envelope System budgeting


Download our OKMM website Scavenger Hunt