We can provide customized workshops to introduce personal finance topics to your employees. These workshops can be offered during business hours or as employee lunch-and-learns. Schedule a workshop or series of workshops covering any of the following topics:
Financial Friday is a monthly service allowing people to anonymously ask money-related questions and get the answers they need. On the last Friday of each month, we send subscribers an email answering a user-submitted question. You can participate in Financial Friday by signing up to receive and distribute the email to your staff. For a more customized experience, we can help you develop website text or an online button to promote the service. To learn more about this program and view sample emails, contact us at OklahomaMoneyMatters@ocap.org.
Our staff is available to help you brainstorm, organize, develop and execute a financial literacy initiative for your employees. By bringing key stakeholders together and facilitating discussion, we can help you customize a program that truly impacts your employees and their families.
We can help you develop personal finance content for your website or newsletter.
In addition to our existing publications, we can also customize new publications for your specific programmatic needs. We’re always happy to discuss cost-sharing and co-branding options so that the publications your employees receive match your corporate culture and have your unique branding and messaging.
To learn more about our services, contact us at 405.234.4353, 800.970.OKMM or OklahomaMoneyMatters@ocap.org.